Tag: Story

  • Shame and the motivation behind my memoir.

    Shame and the motivation behind my memoir.

    Shame consumes you. It ravages you from the inside, leaving an imprint and an aura that follows you about everywhere, like the lingering smell of tobacco infused into the clothes of a chain-smoker. I was ashamed of my father for many years. I was ashamed of the recluse he became and of the crumbling house…

  • When your closest loved ones are main characters

    When your closest loved ones are main characters

    As an aspiring memoirist, this is a conundrum! How does one write about closest family and friends without causing offence? Is that even possible? The thing about memoir is that you are writing from YOUR perspective, about your memories of specific events as best you remember them. By definition, your memory of events could be…

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